President Sata or King Cobra by Gloria Koko

December 27, 2011 § Leave a comment

King Cobra

King Cobra

 Last month Stephen H. Milimo a journalist from the University of Zambia wrote an article titled.

“Sata’s hatred for non-Catholics is dangerous” Stephen wrote an important paragraph about no one religiousgroup being “out of the ordinary”  his statement pointed out that  “All our religious groupings are made up of people who are both human and spiritual and holy and sinners.” Like in most countries with diverse religions it can be dangerous and sometimes inflammatory if one group is shown favoritism. Policy decisions should never be made with religion in mind; most of the world witnessed that with the US policy implemented by George Bush and his Christian aggression. 



For close to fifty years Zambia has had an open mind and acceptance of various religion. Some fear that Sata has plans to make decisions based on religious beliefs. Let’s hope he does not pull a George Bush and state that God wanted him to be President.  

The Zambian Watchdog article stated that “the President should be or at least pretend to be all-inclusive so that there is no group or groups of peoplethat will feel that he is biased against or for.” I disagree here because I believe that the President should “be” and never “pretend” Zambia has seen too much of that in its history. Albeit, I am in agreement with the Watchdog that President Sata present and inclusive government that will draft an open minded constitution. 


We must watch who is before us President Sata or King Cobra.


December 26, 2011 § 3 Comments

Speaking through his spokespersons, Sata has maintained that Musokotwane was paid two salaries when he was minister of Finance.Sata said Musokotwane got K5.5 bilion from the bank of Zambia between 2003 and 2008. He said the money was mostly allowances like Christmas bonuses. He said although the K5.5 billion payments to  Musokotwane was  approved by the previous government it was immoral because it was a lot of money. He said no other Bank of Zambia official or president of Zambia was ever paid that kind of money before.

He said when Musokotwane was appointed minister of Finance; he got two salaries for the period November 2008 to February 2009. From the time he became president, Sata has been making allegations against individuals but most of these allegations have turned out to be false. One example involves Switzerland-based businessman Nicolae Buzaianu over the gold scam story which engulfed the country after Sata alleged that Buzaianu, former president Rupiah Bandaand others stole gold.

Flag-map of Zambia

Image via Wikipedia

Sata was forced to issue a public apology to Buzaianu when it was established that the allegations were incorrect. On November 16, 2011, Sata said he found Buzaianu’s demands understandable considering the allegations. “Dr. Buzaianu’s demand for an apology and compensation originally appeared groundless and now acceptable for Zambia.  Dr. Buzaianu was at liberty to exhaust all legal avenues available to him since that is the democratic way. Infact, we need Dr. Buzaianu to come to Zambia and continue his UNESCO support.’

Corruption is like a Mudslide in Zambia by Gloria Koko – Lusaka

December 26, 2011 § 9 Comments

It appears that corruption flows like a mudslide in Zambia. President Michael Sata has been too swift in his allegations of accusing the Swiss Businessman Nicolae Buzaianu of being involved in the gold scandal involving DEC. Dr. Buzaianu held an esteem position as a UNESCO representative and was strongly researching educational outlets to enhance  reading in the school system. This is an opportunity the youth of Zambia will now miss out on because of ill researched investigations.



Most recently it has been revealed that Situmbeko Musokotwane was paid K5.5 billion and got two salaries. One must wonder what is happening behind the closed doors of the Zambian government. Most recently the Zambian Watchdog stated directly that “Sata has been making allegations against individuals but most of these allegations have turned out to be false.”

It does appear that President Sata has righted his wrong and officially apologized to the Swiss based businessman Nicolae Buzaianu over the gold scam story. The Zambian Watchdog also reported that after Sata alleged that Buzaianu and former president Rupiah Banda along with others stole gold. Sata was forced to issue a public apology to Buzaianu when it was established that the allegations were incorrect.

Philanthropist Nicolae Buzaianu

Philanthropist Nicolae Buzaianu

There is an old song by the British rock group the Who and a very apropos line which says. “Meet the new boss, just like the old boss.” Let us hope that this is not the fate of our beloved country of Zambia.

From Zambian Watchdog

December 26, 2011 § Leave a comment


Nicolae Buzaianu

From Zambian Watchdog.

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